Offical business partner WhatsApp API

Catalog WhatsApp makes shopping easier for customers

Catalog WhatsApp displays complete products with detailed descriptions, making it easier for customers to know about the products offered.

  • Set Up Chatbot auto share catalog
  • Automatically record and manage orders
  • Blast promotion to multiple contacts without being blocked
  • Send invoices and notifications of scheduled shipments
  • WhatsApp’s integration with other sales channels

WhatsApp Commerce belanja jadi lebih mudah

Growing with 3,500+ businesses in Indonesia using Mekari Qontak

Business challenges without Catalog WhatsApp


Disappointed Customer

Many customers are disappointed because of missed customer service or orders.


Lost Sales Opportunity

Customers find it difficult to shop because they have to switch applications to view product catalogs.


Channels not integrated

Sales channels are not integrated with each other, making it easier to monitor them.


A lot of neglected orders

The number of customer orders that accumulate and overlap waiting for agents to reply one by one.

Catalog WhatsApp Simplifies Sales Process

Catalog WhatsApp displays complete products with descriptions that make it easier for customers to choose which products to buy.

Customers shopping made easier

Customers shopping made easier

  • Set up Chatbot for catalog automatically.
  • Record orders and invoice payments instantly.
  • Process payments and orders without switching applications.
Lost sales opportunity

Lost sales opportunity

  • The customer has to search for the shop button to view the product.
  • Order recording must wait for confirmation of a busy agent.
  • The customer must switch between applications to complete the orders.

Win More Customer's Hearts

Send personalized unblock promotional messages to multiple contacts at once without fear, making it more efficient.

Encourage more opinions

  • Send promotional messages to contacts simultaneously without being blocked.
  • Quickly reply to every customer message in just seconds.
  • Add unlimited agents to serve customers faster.
Encourage more opinions

Many customers are disappointed

  • Customer orders piled up waiting for the agent's response.
  • Overlapping messages cause messages to be ignored.
  • WhatsApp account blocked because it was detected sending spam.
Many customers are disappointed

Get more customers

Increase Employee Productivity

Use the WhatsApp chatbot to answer messages automatically and can be tailored to your business needs.

Increase team productivity

Increase team productivity

  • Optimize team productivity with time-saving automated answers.
  • Set up a message automation system to send out promotions, notifications and more.
  • Advanced routing system that automatically shared messages to stored agents.
Low employee productivity

Low employee productivity

  • Agents are overwhelmed to answer every incoming message manually.
  • Missed customer messages because many messages are buried with new ones.
  • Agents have to manually select messages and scramble with other agents.

Automate the sales process

What is Catalog WhatsApp?

Catalog WhatsApp has a WhatsApp Business feature that displays details of the products being sold, complete with descriptions. The goal is to make it easier for customers to recognize the products offered without asking the admin.

The presence of catalogs on WhatsApp increases, helping businesses to sell on the popular instant messaging app. Through this, customers do not need to switch applications to view products, so sales transactions are faster.

How to Create a Catalog on WhatsApp?

An easy way to create a catalog on WhatsApp is

  1. WhatsApp Business app book
  2. Select “Settings” in the top right corner
  3. Click “Business Features”, then click “Catalog”
  4. Create a new Catalog by clicking the “add new” or “Add new item” icon
  5. Add product photo from gallery or take new photo
  6. Enter the product name and description
  7. Click “Save”.

No, WhatsApp Business and regular WhatsApp (Messenger) should use differently. It also makes it easy to separate personal and business interests.

Yes, you can upgrade from a WhatsApp Business account to a WhatsApp Business API by registering the number you have with Mekari Qontak. Just click here.

  • Register your business number with Business Solution Providers (BSP) WhatsApp API
  • Apply for Facebook Business Manager Verification
  • Wait for the leverage process and get a verified badge on your WhatsApp account
  • Set up the Chatbot to send catalogs (commerce) automatically
  • Try chatting WhatsApp commerce via AI Chatbot
WhatsApp Whatsapp sales