Omnichannel CRM for the marketing team

Supercharge the results of your marketing campaigns with omnichannel CRM

Effectively automate processes in marketing with Omnichannel CRM application

  • Automatically collect market data for greater relevancy
  • Gain a wider reach of customers with integration to the Omnichannel
  • Gain a wide view of market trends in order to create targeted promotions
  • Send unlimited promotional messages through WhatsApp broadcast

omnichannel crm for marketing team

Trusted by 35,000+ businesses in Southeast Asia

RS Abdi Waluyo
Agung Sedayu Group
Bank Mayora
BCA Insurance
Faber Castell
GrandLucky Superstore
Hana Bank
Toyota-Astra Motor
Mayapada Hospital

Challenges of the marketing team without the omnichannel CRM

Unintegrated channels
Unintegrated channels

Many chats from different channels makes it a hassle to handle leads quickly.

No leads history
No leads history

No database can be used to gain perspective related to leads and customers.

No real time reports
No real time reports

Cannot find metrics and reports in real time to identify necessary improvements.

No leads automation

Manage and monitor all lead generation to determine next best marketing steps.

Well-recorded leads funneling

Well-recorded leads funneling

  • Modify the customer journey in detail based on activities and every stage of the deal.
  • Gain analysis in real-time from several different teams handling leads at the same stage.
  • Increase team's productivity by better organizing and assigning team tasks.
No historic recordings of leads

No historic recordings of leads

  • No view of the customer journey to understand customer activity.
  • Analysis are not obtainable in real-time as there is no supportive system.
  • The division of tasks becomes confusing because it has to be done manually.

Move towards marketing automation

Reach more leads and customers

Integrate all channels to holistcally automate marketing and business operations.

Easy, flexible, and safe promotion activities

  • Easily connect and manage all marketing channels into one platform without hassle.
  • Increase brand trusts through certified WhatsApp and blast messages.
  • Create delivery report status and customer activity in real time for better business decisions.
Easy, flexible, and safe promotion activities

Limited promotions due to limited quota

  • A hassle to switch applications to access several different business accounts.
  • Limited WhatsApp broadcast messaging which also risks getting blocked by system.
  • No real-time delivery report status and customer activity.
Limited promotions due to limited quota

Improve your marketing campaigns easily

What is the Omnichannel CRM for Marketing teams?

Omnichannel CRM is an application that can simplify marketing processes, by storing customer data, creating campaigns through WhatsApp broadcast, marketing-activity visualization and many more.

Additionally, this CRM software supports marketing development strategies particularly for branding, or other marketing plans relevant to current trends.

What are the benefits of the Omnichannel CRM for Marketing teams?

  • Obtain greater client retention
  • Increase revenue
  • Better customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Gain more referrals and recommendations
  • Improve efficiency and productivity
  • Automatically collect and manage user data
  • Connect online and offline customer purchasing experience
  • Improve brand recall and brand image
  • Push more sales to gain significant profit increase
  • 360 View and Analysis Report
  • Task Management and KPI Tracking
  • Omnichannel chat (WhatsApp API, Instagram API, email, and more)
  • Mobile app accessibility
  • Document automation
  • Integrate with other supportive apps

Businesses are now able to send mass broadcast messages to thousands of contacts at once through WhatsApp. This particular communication channel has the highest of being read by leads compared to other social media applications.

Additionally, when customers respond, the chatbot will respond according to triggers. This interaction will be stored automatically within the CRM.

WhatsApp Whatsapp sales