The best CRM for consumer goods businesses

Industry Leading CRM Technology to Power Sales and Customer Support

Monitor all sales activities comprehensively to improve purchases and customer relationships with Mekari Qontak’s Omnichannel CRM.

  • Automatically record orders and tickets with customizable CRM software
  • Track sales and KPI achievements in real-time
  • Blast announcements and promotions to thousands of contacts at once
  • Integrate multiple channels to provide a consistent customer service through all platforms

Consumer Goods Ilustration

Trusted by 35,000+ businesses in Southeast Asia

RS Abdi Waluyo
Agung Sedayu Group
Bank Mayora
BCA Insurance
Faber Castell
GrandLucky Superstore
Hana Bank
Toyota-Astra Motor
Mayapada Hospital

Challenges faced by traditional consumer goods businesses

No real-time sales report
No real-time sales report

Lack of systemized sales trackers for supervisors to view real-time in order to evaluate sales performance

No clarity in sales-team activity
No clarity in sales-team activity

Low efficiency in keeping track of sales teams’ fieldwork performance and routes

No personalised marketing campaign
No personalised marketing campaign

Scattered and immeasurable campaigns result in time wasted and failure to meet sales targets

Support your sales team with better technology

Sales leaders need systems to collect data based on activities, performance, progress, and more

Support sales teams to get more jobs done on the field

Support sales teams to get more jobs done on the field

  • View every stage of the sales process in real time from beginning to end
  • Improve field sales team performace and oversight with online and offline live GPS tracking capability
  • Monitor the sales team progress of each task and the results of visits in real-time
Unable to monitor real-time and daily

Unable to monitor real-time and daily

  • Inefficiency on tracking the sales progress, resulting in difficulties on task delegation and management
  • Unclear team members' routes increase chances of time wastage and low sales
  • Inconsistent sales team evaluation and feedback results in immeasureable performance activities and outcomes

Improve your sales team efficiency

Expand your business reach effectively

Run well-targeted and highly interactive marketing activities to boost customer loyalty

Optimize customer service and experience

  • Allow marketing teams to access all social media channels easily
  • Instantly send personalised WhatsApp promotions directly to targeted customers
  • Automate all interaction on every social media platform with database-integrated AI Chatbots
Optimize customer service and experience

No meaningful interaction with customers

  • Switches between applications create hassle, resulting a disorganised communication plan.
  • Tiresome and time-consuming to send promotional messages manually
  • Ineffective system to handle customer's inquiries on social media due to a lack of automation
No meaningful interaction with customers

Accelerate customer support in a fast-moving industry

What is an Omnichannel CRM within the consumer goods industry?

Qontak omnichannel CRM is designed for consumer goods businesses to serve customers effectively. From recording orders, managing inventory, conducting mass promotions, to resolving customer complaints – all can be done automatically.

Moreover, Qontak’s omnichannel CRM software can be integrated with other communication channels. This feature allows businesses to improve both its online and offline services.

What are the advantages of an Omnichannel CRM?

  • Have a centralized CRM system that manages all customer interactions automatically
  • Make better business decisions with comprehensive team monitoring and reports
  • Respond to every customer message in seconds with chatbots
  • Provide non-stop, seamless customer service
  • Integrate with WhatsApp API that functions as a bridge between WhatsApp and other applications, such as Omnichannel or a CRM
  • Reach customers easily by blasting WhatsApp messages to multiple contacts instantly
  • Integrate multiple channels into one platform for a better customer experience

Omnichannel CRMs helps to serve your customer needs, both online and offline since all customer data is updated in real-time and accessible from anywhere.

One example of Omnichannel CRM usage can be seen with end-to-end social media integration; for example, a customer may interact via Instagram, then want to switch to WhatsApp to ask questions to the Customer Service agent.

With an Omnichannel CRM, customers do not need to repeat previous questions on Instagram because the Omnichannel software saves these interactions under a single profile. This way, customer service agents can directly answer customer needs seamlessly.

WhatsApp Whatsapp sales