Monitor KPIs & business performance easily with the #1 omnichannel CRM

  • Integrated dashboard for efficient team collaboration
  • Accelerate customer service with an automated AI chatbot
  • Send personalized WhatsApp blast messages to customers
  • 360° comprehensive reports for better business decisions

Trusted by 35,000+ businesses in Southeast Asia

RS Abdi Waluyo
Agung Sedayu Group
Bank Mayora
BCA Insurance
Faber Castell
GrandLucky Superstore
Hana Bank
Toyota-Astra Motor
Mayapada Hospital

Accelerate sales and customer service

Mekari Qontak has end-to-end features that can be accessed in real time to accelerate your business growth.

Omnichannel Communication

All-in-one chat and voice management solution to automate business

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Sales CRM

Track sales team locations and monitor KPIs in real time.

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Customer Service CRM

End-to-end customer service management to improve business efficiency.

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WhatsApp API

WhatsApp blast, official verified badge, chatbot, and multiagent system

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Chatbot AI

Customize bot messages as needed without coding.

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Cloud Call Center

Call center telephony, VoIP, IVR and wallboard for optimal customer service.

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Mekari Qontak plays a crucial role in preventing customer loss across multiple channels.

Riki Kono BasmelehCo-Founder

More than


Companies trust Mekari Qontak



Employees use Omnichannel CRM

What is Omnichannel CRM Qontak?

Mekari Qontak is an official, certified and legal Omnichannel CRM and Call Center provider company for companies and businesses.

Omnichannel CRM Qontak is a customer relationship management software integrated with multiple channels. It automatically manages prospect and customer information in one database. This information can be used to build closer customer relationships.

The goal of Omnichannel CRM is increased sales, and more effective customer service. For example, planning, scheduling, and controlling sales and post-sales activities more efficiently.

What are the Benefits of Omnichannel CRM?

The advantages of Omnichannel CRM for companies are: 1. Centralize data, 2. Effective promotional tools, 3. Increase loyalty, 4. Flexibility, 5. Efficiency:

1. Centralize data

Omnichannel CRM automatically stores all business and customer interactions across channels. These interactions are managed automatically in one database. You can more easily understand customer interest in a product or service. It can also be taken into consideration in developing strategies and sales, and so on.

2. Effective promotional tools

Omnichannel CRM can be used as an effective marketing or promotional medium. Through the data stored in the application, you can make targeted promotional strategies, including choosing the right channels.

3. Increase loyalty

Take advantage of Omnichannel CRM to collect feedback directly from customers. You can use this feedback to build better customer satisfaction strategies.

4. Flexibility

Omnichannel CRM is easy to use and can be customized according to business needs. In addition, Omnichannel CRM can also be integrated across multiple business channels such as WhatsApp Business, social media such as Facebook, Instagram and more.

5. Efficiency

Omnichannel CRM handles automatic data recording and storage, as well as business activity reporting. It means you don’t do it manually. Plus, your team doesn’t need to switch apps to collaborate.

Omnichannel CRM connects multiple communication channels in one unified platform. Then the system will save all activities automatically.

For example, a customer wants to order a product. The command will be converted into a ticket that can be seen on the pipeline dashboard. Then the team can call. This activity will generate a sales report in graphical form.

The following people or organizations use Omnichannel CRM:

  • Company
  • Business owner
  • Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
  • Businessman
  • Influencer
  • Government organizations or agencies
  • Educational institutions
  • and others.

There are many disadvantages to not using an Omnichannel CRM. One of them is low productivity. Because employees have to enter data manually. The data is also difficult for other employees to access.

This does not happen if the company uses the Omnichannel CRM software. Because this app will automatically store and manage all customer interactions. Moreover, Omnichannel CRM can be used from anywhere via mobile devices, so that employees can access customer data freely.

Yes, Mekari Qontak is an official, certified and legal company. Company, consumer and user data is protected by a very tightly security system. In addition, Qontak also complies with all consumer privacy policies.

Qontak is ISO 2700 certified. In addition, Mekari Qontak API Services is equipped with JSON-based Auth2 API. All requests must be secure (HTTPS) and authenticated.

Qontak is part of the Mekari Group, which provides many business software products that are trusted by many companies in Indonesia.

Mekari Qontak software integration features help business to manage business activities, and maintain corporate data synchronization & security easier. Leave the use of many separate business software, which is a hassle in overall business data collaboration.

Register and login to the Qontak’s website, or install the Qontak software on Google Play and the App Store.

Free trial!

You do not have to download the Qontak software for your computer. Use directly in the browser (web-based) or download and install the mobile app.

The price for Omnichannel CRM in Indonesia is currently relatively affordable, even for small businesses. Package prices are starting at RP 249 thousand / month, which is cheaper than the cost of accounting staff services per month.

The Qontak pricing page offers subscription price packages that vary depending on your business needs. Learn more at Qontak pricing page.

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